
何気ない日々に感謝! Thanks for ordinary days


I found this article. Need your help


料理家 辰巳芳子さんのレシピです。


I thought if I started to post blog in English, it would be good opportunity to study ! so I want to try it from just right now.
but I don't have any confidence in my English. because I haven't written English essay and also taken like this exam for a long time! HaHa!
(My school days were long time ago.)
maybe I'll make mistake sometime.so,please try to understand what I want to say!

I'm really sad since earthquake was happened in Tohoku area .I saw some information which was like a tsunami on TV. I knew it was really important. but it was too much and terrified for me.
I felt sad when I though about all the people who die in this earthquake.
Of course, we have to think what we can do for them now.but spending normal life is important,as well.

I just went to まちのシューレ963 again to have late brunch last weekend. It was good to change my feeling!
I had miso soupe with rice and tofu.
and some boiled vegetables. It was very healthy and natural food.
Actually,such a meal is called 「cat food」. (ねこまんま)
It means food for cats. because it's whistled up a meal from leftover food.but It becomes ambrosial food if it makes from a special quality miso.

I found a parrot can speak! so cute! so green!
(Green is my favorite color.)

I love like this peaceful time.
Eating delicious food and spending calm time. It is nothing special.
but we have to appreciate for this living.

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